
1,352 Audio Reviews

909 w/ Responses

Holy shit man.

I have never heard any songs from Zelda games nor played any, but this really made me want to play it.

The start went out kinda dissapointing, like you just ripped a midi from the start melody, but after that it got a drum beat which is simple, though I could like to see a bit more beats and many more variables.

And the lead guitar was neat, could need some work though, it's just so easy to show it's fake.
The melody it played was simple, yet good, the way it is played make it much more bad-ass, and the vinyl scratch things wasn't really needed as this has nothing to do with what vinyl scratch are accosiated with, yet they add a nice rythmic feeling to the song.

Make more great music like this. Your stuff is good, just keep it up!

AngryFaic responds:




This is nice for a start.
The drum beat seems a bit sample-ish, and doesn't really fit the rest of the song.

But the main melody is really good, relaxing, and actually a much better melody than most trance melodies are, the feeling it gave was a kinda *life's alright* feeling, very nice for flashes too.

The bass in this had potential, could have made a really good bassline, but you just played one single note, which kinda dissapointed me. If you did a lot more work in the bassline it could have been much better.

This is a god track, could need some work with melody and bassline, but the base concept of the song is really good, good luck with future songs!

AngryFaic responds:

Thanks for the 8. I can't really do much with this song because it was made with Acid. However, all of my other ones are FL Studio, so yeah.


I am curretly writing one of the promised reviews I would give you if you reviewed Dig. A tad late, but I will eventually finish all these one day.

You got christmas remixes too? Definatively a good choice if you want success, since people use a lot of these in their flashes.
I got one of mine in three, two submissions is a good number, too.

You should be more specific with the name, Christmas Remix give no sense what song you've remixed, if you wrote the name of it instead it would be much more useful for viewers to know.

If you didn't know, this was "Carol of the Bells". One of the few good christmas songs, seeing that it has melody and emotions instead of just the usual joy and bliss the usual has which may be a bit too sweet for some making carols one of the hated things of christmas.

This remix was a tad too monotone for me, it was mainly a sawtooth going, which I find annoying after a while, and it does neither give much feeling of the track.

The bass was OK, but if you had a tight synth bass instead it would be much deeper and more bad-ass, and if you set it much louder it would be cool too.

I lost like, where is the emotion and feeling? Where is what the song was originally about? You stripped the meaning of this song off leaving a flat and melody-only track into it.

If you make a remix you reMIX it and not only make a cover of it, you didn't change it or anytthing, did you? This is more of a cover than a remix.

Originality: 4, you didn't change the melody at all, you just made a cover of an already existing song.

Clarity: 10, there is no clipping or overtones in it.

Diversity: 8, there is a little less than the maximum for the lenght, I doubt there is much more you could have in a song of this lenght.

Effort: 7, I doubt it took months or anything like that, I believei t was made in a snap.

Overall: 7, cocks.

Smokey responds:

Actually I orginally created it as a quick blog theme background music, and decided to submit it to see how it would do :D Doing really well... and soon me and a friend is gonna make a few songs together so there will be lyrics. Thanks for the review... and i should have called it Carol of the Bells Cover :)


LOL@awesome reviews you got. I got 2 different such kind of reviews too.

Alright, I'm browsing the Ambient section and see an entry of you on the top, kinda remembered you from the ZeroVoter threads realising I never reviewed you before.

Alrightm you say it's 1:36, so I expect some really good that I can give a long review on.


Starts out with a usual delay synth/clav that doesn't sound too good, it's kinda sharp and peaking and could have been done a bit softer for great justice.

And it continues with a basic, simple drum beat that still does the job a drum beat is supposed to do, which is making a groovy beat and setting it on a beat. Still I could like t osee some more complexity in it.

In the background you have a very deep lead that I felt was not coming out loud enough. If it was louder and a tad sharper it could have given a much better feeling.

The last part was kinda repeating itself except for that it lost parts and got lower. If you want it to loop good you should keep the volume just the same so it don't get too much lag.
And instead of taking away parts as the song goes you should rather try adding new parts into it.

OK... that's pretty much it. An overall good track, which is lacking style and feeling though, but since it is a loop, this is ideal.

Mataro responds:

Awesome. I was reading your review and I was kinda sitting here going "That's kinda harsh.. It's a loop.." but I see that in the end we have the same opinion, haha. I wanted to keep it simple while still retaining a little bit of diversity so that it could easily be employed by flash authors. I'll let you know when I post one of my real songs :P. Thanks for your time, I'll stop by your page as well. ^^

I suck at titles

Seeing the ambient part of the Audio Portal in Newgrounds is the part I enjoy most, I decided taking a look at your ambient track. I don't know what's going on with madboss and his stories to your tracks, but I will not have anything to do with that either way, my part is reviewing a song.


The title is Rain Song- A new song, and I do indeed expect rain effects from this track, hence the title. A New Time is a bit questionable what the track may be, but it does exclude fast-paced beats.

So I open the track and get what I expect, rain effects in the beginning, which slowly leads into a part of acoustinc guitar which makes the genre quite questionable as ambient is a genre in electronica, but if the other parts keep the rain effect there's nothing wrong with it.

The melody it plays is remarkable, and it goes forward kinda unproblematic, though it does stop at unexpected places, making the song a bit less comfortable listening to.

And seeing the rain and thunder effects combined with the nylon guitar is the only instruments in the song makes it beautiful, yet it gives an empty and missing feeling, as it would probably not make a whole song, but rather a guitar part of a full song that much more could have been added on.

The guitar melody is not the simple, it is kinda complex with the two melodies going at the same time, but the nylon scratching is going a bit too much at times and does give more style and flavour into the track, but it won't make the song more enjoyable at all.

If this track would have been more on a beat than the random tempo it is played on this time, I would suggest having some calm, low-volumed drums going at the same time, instead of just playing it on a beat as good as you can. You could remove them afterwards if you feel for it if you feel that the drums take away some of the loneliness and feeling of the track, though.

Originality: Hmm... had to take a bit time to figure out this, so I guess I must think about all the elements. Effects of course will boost your score since only a few songs use these, but acoustic gutiar isn't really the least used instrument in the book, so I can't give you a full one. So I guess 7.

Clarity: There is no remarkable clipping or fuzz in the track, and there really isn't anything wrong with the volume, so I have to give you a 10.

Diversity: the guitar and the effects, really not much diversity, but the melody has a relatively diverse going, so I'll give you a 6.

Effort: I don't know if you took the rain as a preset or recorded it yourself, if you did, that would make a MAJOR boost in score. I choose to believe that is what you did and give you a score of 9.

Overall: This is an overall good track, but you could need to have some improvements with the way you play it and the tempo in it. I give you an 8.
I wish you good luck with your next songs!

Bosa responds:

Thanks for the feedback, this tune was an upgrade from an old one I made quite some time ago. This time, it has an actual acoustic guitar instead of an old pluck sample from my detuned guitar. Also, I had recorded some ambient outside (I am also a sound designer, yet that's beside the point) during the rain. It took some time, but your rants were heard.


This went straight into my iTunes library you know!

Where did you get the samples? Did you record them from the movies? f you did so then you're goddamn great at it!

You did a great job abusing the samples and setting them together to... dick... LOL!

This song isn't that great musical wise, but it really isn't the most important, the way you used the samples in a rythmycal, yet humoristical way is some of the most interesting I've seen!

You did a great job on scrathcing it too.

The drums and basses are really all you needed for musical layers, as I said before the TANKMEN samples are the main thing. When the sawtooth came in I wondered why you had it theree, it didn't do much, but I guess it made it a litle bit more spiced up.

Originality: 9; You used the samples in an unique way, but the samples aren't yours, so I can't give you an entirely full one

Clarity: 10, there's no clippping or anything like that in it, perfect volume and levels and right genre I guess.

Diversity; 7 a little bit much of the same all the time, btu you put as much diversity in it as you could with this kind of song though.

Effort: 10, I have no idea how you managed making this, so all I can give is a 10.

Overall: 10, since humour isn't taken with you get a MAJOR boost in this category. Great work, I'm impressed!

(Hey guys, I just heard, I'm gonna be a- dick! Made my day :)

(Only two more reviews now!)

Rucklo responds:

Hey thanx for a great review!

The samples JohnnyUtah put out in the MAC6 august tankmen theme contest, but noone except for Darkside555 used them, if im not mistaken... I finnished this song up way too late to enter the contest myself. :(

Glad ya liked the song mate!

Nice song

The start sounds good, but it is a tad off-tone, so it doesn't sound that well at parts. It's more ambient in the start.

Then it gets drums.. oh damn the drums are repetative, if you're gonna make drums you better make 'em diversed. I think you only had two main beats, that's not good man.

I loved the structure and the flow into it, it makes the parts sound really well together, this is a really nice track, and it's put well together.
It makes me expect more and more, and you get more and more of the track too.

I loved the glitchy effects you put in this :)

the bassline was nice in the start too, made it more flavoured. I loved the different pads you had too.

This is overall a really good track, great work damnit!

winKoneR responds:

thank you for your attitude ;) that beatz are not just 2... it has only 4 beatz ;) and one is in two versions... so there is 5 beetz... but that's not important... important is how it sounds, isn't it ?

yes maybe it's repetative and maybe it's lil bit ambient on start... but that is what i wanted to do... it's a LIQUID FUNK with elements of techstep ;)

anyway.... thank you for yer nice review ;) stay tuned :P ;)

Alright then.

I don't want to listen to that track again as it really was horrible; different people have different opinions. And I didn't like it. So if it is soimportant for you, I'll take a trpi to one of your other songs. This time it was the song Mind Hacker.

So whe I see the title I am expecting something eerie. That's mainly because of the mind part combined with "hacker", someone trying to control it, and that might sound kinda freaked out and eerie as I said.

However when I open it it is something clearlyy computer-ish. then I felt kinda dissapointed since that's not what I wanted, but it is kinda cool when I hear it though, there are just a lot of songs based on a computer.

Inspired of Kraftwerk? I think you are, hearing this song. It's like you totally ripped it off but still kept some originality.

Well this is a cool song, the main lead sounds more like a rythmic preset than it sounds like you played this yourself.

And there aren't much other synths than this. However it doesn' give the usual 'empty' feeling it normally would, probably because of the good effects you put on it.

This is one of the songs that give an annoying feeling after a while, I never really review anything in one breath, I usually hang out at the forums a bit and such and get back to the normal reviewing, and this time it made it more annoying, as it's peaking too much and the synths are very sharp.

The drums in this sounds more like a jungle beat, but it does make the song a lot better. I would like it to be more technofischk drums in it though.

Originality is 7- this is a bit too much like Kraftwerk songs, but I always enjoy a new kind of computer-based songs.

Clarity is 10 because I'm nice and there's nothing wrong with it.

Diversity is 6- there wasn't that much, sorry, but since there was you don't get a bad score.

Effort is 7- I doubt this song was epecially hard to make, but you did work on it, and the results were just fine.

Overall is 9, this is actually a very good song, though there are things that's not fitting the song totally.

This is a good song. A very good song, too. I vote five on this because I'm nice.

mariomusicmaker1 responds:

Hey this is the best review ever almost! after your review of m64 i thought you where a unfair music hater but well i guess that it just wasnt ur type of sone :P ,

long reviews prompt me to give one back.

but ima slow typer and i hate typing soo.

thanks for the fantastic review and 5 and i will return the favor ( somday)


You know, whoever you two guys are, you make this account seem like it's something epic and legendary over this account. I don't know what this is for you, but to me it's really just a crossover account =/

But the song is kinda good. It starts out OK, not the best start I've seen, it's like you didn't find anything better and just came up with the first thing you could as a start. It went well though.

Then afterwards it continues with the same style, just this time much better. This actually seems planned out. You use the same synths all the time though, which isn't that good.

Actually the synths you use are so over-used that I nearly vomit.
I can remember nearly 100 or somthing like that number of songs using excactly these synths, and only them. Also the melodies played on them have lost all it's greatness... now it's just more of a mess of the same instruments all the time... :'(

I can't see exactly how this would fit the theme "The Journey Begins", but I can imagine a *Time travel*, though.

Now it's actually not bad! It's just a little lack of originality in it. I've listened to it for quite a time while checking out some other interwebs, probably I've done it half an hour now, and it really is catchy, it isn't annoying in any way, though it might sound a bit stressing for some it really isn't. Maybe it's just easy to ignore though it is a good song.

The drum work is excellent on this, (I'm surprised you didn't put this in either Trance or DrumNBass) and they probably could have been set up as they sound a lot better than the other synths and instruments in the song. Maybe having a little bit more drums too would have made it somewhat cooler.

And the structure is nice, though it doesn't change much. The way you changed the dfferent drums and melodies was excellent, but it is a bit hard to catch when it is this mixed together.

I loved the bassline in this, it fits the theme totally, and it gives a boomy feel in headphones.

Originality is a 7, since most of these songs are just using the same synths over and over instead of finding new and interesting instruments. However the structure was something really original.

Clarity is a 9, there's no clipping or anything like that, and the volume is just right, but the genre it was put in (I consider this put in clarity) wasn't exactly my choice.

Diversity is an 8, it basically is the same all the way, which isn't that good, but it's surprising seeing how muc hdifference only these instruments may do. The different variations was really a very good point of this song.

Effort: 10. Making collabs take time, and making it this good is surprising, as you couldn't have made one part per person, this was more mixed within the track, and I just can't imagine how that would be. Great work, whoever you are ;)

Overall is 9, you would probably know that by what I have said earlier. I'm way too lazy summing all that up to one paragraph, so you better go figure yourself.

You two, keep up the good work! Still remember that you're only one of many crossover accounts though... no need to make a big deal out of it.

Critical-Collision responds:

Thank You SBB

We don't make this account out to be something epic or legendary.

We do feel that we are both putting out hearts and souls into the music we are making, and we feel proud of what we have managed to achieve.

Considering, neither one of us, work in these genres. we feel we have done something rather good. and we are extremely happy with the result we have achieved.

This is definitely not DnB, most definitely Techno

The same synths, were intentional, if you listen throughout, they alternate as to which is the most dominent. in all there are 5/6 synths (lost count)in this, playing together and weaving from some to others, seamlessly

Collabs do take time, this one has taken a lot of time to do too

We will remember, that we are one of many crossover accounts, but we shall continue to do what we love.

Thank you for your review SBB



hmm.... this is also a great track... but it seems like you didn't master it at all!
It's clipping as hell!

Good that it calms down a little bit at the middle part... because if it was supposed to continue like that this might have been my first negative review for you!

And it's some classical in here... I wonder how many styles you mixed here...
And as always you made it totally original.
This is really great, just remaster it a little bit.

Seems like you use the same synths all the time though... I clearly remember the exploding pad from quite a lot of your tracks. hmm

HouseMasta responds:

it doesnt clip for me!! thanks for the 10, i had to make sure this made it in time for the contest, so it may be a bit rushed..

welcome to bluegrounds :))

Jonathan Gjertsen @Buoy

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