
1,352 Audio Reviews

909 w/ Responses

Sounds good!

Indie? I relised I haven't really heard indie much... but if it sounds like this it has to be a good genre.

Wooden instruments... I really can't hear much except for drum sticks that may be made of wood...

This track is repetative! It's the same melodies going over and over. The melody is OK, but it isn't especially outstanding in any way. If you had more melodies it could sound a lot more like a whole song.

But that's what I call critisism. critisism is good.
I'm gonna say good stuff about it too.

The feeling of this was great, and you're right, it does fit in a forest theme! I think this will get used in at least one movie because of the feeling of it.

I loved the leading synth you had, it is a great synth which you should use often. It gave a feeling like there is anything high up in the woods tat you'll never see, and you are walking under it without knowing it... yeah.

the drums in this were good too, they sound really great and fit the theme, also you did a great work having them at the right places.

Is this good enough or you?


Astrono responds:

Thank you! :D
I should try to make songs with more melodys, and thanks for the tips.
And it's good enough for me :P


Man have you been crazy?

Or am I?

At least this must be the 5th frantic song I´ve heard today!
This is really fast! God you could slow it down a lot. It hurts your ears when you don't get the song because it's way too fast, then it sounds more like random stuff.

Okay, you used only short synths in this track, which isn´t that good, I could like to see some pads in this because it's originally a very relaxing and elemental song.

And you have a really mad sawtooth too... it's not good, sorry. You should take it away or replace it with a big bass. Either way there isn't much I really can say when this goes this fast! I lost the shole song and try to review it!


There are drums ALL the time! It's like you took no effort actually making a start and beginning! God knows what happened.

I'm sorry but this wasn't any good! You need to think a bit if it is enjojyable or not before you submit it!

OK, I'm done raping your song.

mariomusicmaker1 responds:

I BEG u to come and have another Good listen. ther are pads and the drums are bad i agree. well atleast i know what to improve on but i ashore you that it is only you that feels sooo badly about this song >.< nothing against u just a little harsh persay.
if u have any audio ill be over for some revenge err reviews... jokes.. yes jokes,,, >:)


I loved the cave effect in this. It makes it sound a lot like ambient which it definatively is.

You are a really great audio author, cornandbeans! I just wanted to say that :)

OK, the piano in this was good in the beginning when it had reverb but after that it kinda lost that part. If you kept the reverb all the time it would have sounded so much better.

The title "Take your time" Does indeed fit... it starts really slow like it's trying to keep the attention and then...


...and it begins sounding like a real song. Then it just begins slowing down again... right after it's on the max. well that's just too bad I guess. :(

There were nice sound effects in this, they made the track sound much better. I would like to see it if you put even more cave effects into it, that would have made the track sound a lot better, seeing that this is an ambient track, it needs ambient sounds too! Either way you did a really great work with the effects which is appreciated!

The melody played on the piano was good, you planned it well and it wasn't bland or anything like that at all, you did a great work playing the piano.

OK I'm done here.



Well, seriously, I don´t want you to use caps. It makes you think it's a spam audio, and it may also sound like you're being desperate.

This is mainly based upon piano, I see. The parts the piano play is good, and the melody sounds good, maybe a bit frantic though. If you had the repeating notes to go int o one and simplify it it would have sound much better.

The piaon, it doesn´t look like you did anything special into it, it sounds pretty mash-y and hard played. You should change the piano into a bit more softer kind of piano.

It´s glitching at times when you didn't play the notes right, seeminlgy. You should record or whatever you do in parts so it gets easier fixing it.

Well this is a great classical song, you better keep it up, but you should have more than only the pian in it since it sounds pretty dry with only the piano.

OK then.

Injected-Reality responds:

The whole caps thing ... um ward cant read small print hes got bad vision


This is the most frantic song I´ve ever heard... oh my god, it's giving me a big bad shiver of all these sharp synths.

The sharp, short sawtooth sounds really horrible, you should at least use a bit softer synth for it.

The vox wasn´t any saying much except numbers... it sounds like something Kraftwerk could have made because of the pointless voices.

The pads which seem really random could have been a bit more plannd, it seems like the creator just found the first synth and played the first random melody he could find up.

The only synth playing while the voices were gong didn't sound any special good or bad, but my god the melody it's playiung sounds annoying as hell!

You have a radio effect synth that's making the whole song trash. I really didn´t like anything with this song... at least it's not ear rape.

I wish you planned your songs a bit more so it would sound much better. But for now...

Flare-Solsun responds:

I'm sorry for that response I posted a while back, it was very immature. Thank you for telling me what needs to be fixed in the song : >

Meh.. it´s ok

It´s not the absolute best thing I´ve heard in the world... thrust me it´s really repetative.

You need more than this.

I know it´s your first... but at least try making a full song! I don´t like loops! There´s not much to review them on >:-(

OK, your main part of this song was the drums. They were all good, but they sound a bit anonymous. The gong at times was cool, but remember that gong's don't play that fast... neither do biggie drums if that's what it was. except for that it was good.

The lead synth was good, but it is seriously over-used and raped now. You need to have some original and not that much used synths.

And you know that's probably all I can say about it. I give this a low 3, but I want you to make full songs- as most of the people who review audio are audio authors themselves. There' not many Flash Authors who see the Audio Portal, though this would fit well in a movie.

Good luck in the future!

WillHump4Food responds:

hey no big deal =] its all good i appreciate the honesty,only that can push me into getting more focused ..ill update

Nine all around!

I can see this as what ants listen to... when I saw the track you know... I was expecting just this. And I was right! Go me!

This is one really great industrial track. I found the melody as extraordinarily good, there are few great melodies as these, and they really fit the theme like the theme was made for the song.

You had a lot of bass in this and they all sound good, but remember to have the great basses much louder for a more bad-ass feeling.

The sawtooth or whatever it is is very loud, but it still doesn´t overdub the other instruments. I could actualoly like having this a bit louder and have more instruments and synths playing this melody.

In the last part it comes with a shitload of drums which just sounds plain bad when they are mixed together.... it rapes the ears totally.

In the very last moment when you just stopped it all and let iit go at a really low volume it sounded really cool... like it was left behind and the rest of the song left to another place... it gives a great feeling.

This one had great mastering too.

Alright... I have a question for you! I want to know what software you use. This sounds like an example song from Reason.

Ok then. a low

DarkValentine responds:

I used Ableton Live 5. with Ableton
Live, the only thing you need, is imagination & timing to do what you want done.

and the drums were intentionally, to keep the imagination of the ants finishing a colony, and continue on, never resting. and then, the beat drops when the sun goes down.

OK then

I want to reach my 400th audio review today so I´m gonna review people like crazy.

Alright then.
When I see the title I expected a mainly guitar-based song. And with a genre of ambient this might be an exciting experience.

Alright then.. it starts out with a glass pad which is definatively not acoustic... this is electronica. This is the last thing I would think of as acostic.

This has a cold and snowy feeling into it... and it has a good melody combination... it makes all a tune needs for a winter-y cold track. The drums didn´t fit the wintery feel that much though.

And actually the worst thing with this is the clipping. There´s seemingly no mastering on this one, and therefore it isn´t nearly as enjoyable as it could be if you mastered this.

The drums are making it a lot more exiting, and there are a lot of different beats in it as the song goes... I believe you really are experienced and skilled with drums, and that is really a great thing... too bad I´m don´t >:'-(

And you have a lot of different instruments here... all cold. The main synth with the *falling* melody is really great, but it's very loud and causes the clipping in the song.

And you have a lot of nice pads here, great work on these.

I loved this track, if you just mastered the track and got the horrible clipping away this would be a clear five. But for now...

I felt like reviewing again.

But it seems like the instruments and synths are a tad random.
You could like having all the instruments fit one single genre, or try totally unexpected instruments and combinations.
That would make the song far more enjoyable and/or exciting.

Also you played the song at the EXCACT same tempo as the original song... have you tried using Audacity with psycho tempo and pitch effects? It sounds really strange, but it´s kinda cool though!

This one could sound either really good at this tempo as an orchestral version (gonna try that now) or a really fast disco/hands up version.

I can´t see any major changes in melody or subtones. If you´re gonna use a MIDI you should better change it a lot too! It may be hard with the SMRPG tunes because they attempted using as much stuff as they could when they made these, but you should at least try changing it as much as possible, or make new countermelodies, possibly continue it and combine/exclude different melodies and instruments.

If you use MIDI´s you are only given certain instruments, mainly one per melody, but don´t let that limit you! You should make a lot more instruments to play the same melody for a nice effect.
Or having some playing a double speed version and doubling it, which may be hard, but it will work though.

Well this is only advice I give upon what I know after trying it, so I may be wrong since I´m not the one who have worked long with MIDI´s. Now I try to minimize the use of MIDI melodies since that would lack a personal feeling into it.

OK I realise I never really reviewed this now so I´m gonna review it too.

First for the drums, I never actually noticed them being there, but if I try hearing them I may hear them. You should boost the level of the drums way more, and have more drum beats going too.

The main melody is put into a dreamy poly-synth which does sound good, but it seems like it´s just left behind. I could like to see a more leading synth.

There´s really nice basses here, but if you made them louder, and one octave deeper, it would sound bad-ass as hell.

And you have horns for the second main melody. They sound good and fits the theme, but it´s just so totally unoriginal! Having an electronic synth in it would sound ten times better!

And there is a hybrid between a clav and a music box, which doesn´t´sound good at all and peaks too much. I have no idea what you could have put here, but if you simplified it a lot and had a lead synth... and a pad having this malody it could possibly have sounded better... I don´t know with that really =/

And that is possibly all I have to say about this tune... (Well my god it´s a lot though) but I think I´ve said enough that you can make a better version of it! I don´t know if you will care about it though.

And shouldn´t you try making original songs too? I don´t know if you have a keyboard, but if you have you should really try making original songs because that will give you a personal style which you can use for your VG remixes and make them sound much better.

Also make sure you don´t have this abrupt endings and possibly drag the last tones out, since this doesn´t loop either. Or fade the tune out at the end.

I doubt there´s space enough for posting scores so that´s it.
Good luck!

(Now you better hit me back or else!)

Oh, and keep it up lolz ^^

Chao-Guy responds:

And the award for longest review ever goes too SBB! lol
This is actually a good review!! I would love to make my own music, but im not creative like you guys!! I'll keep the looping or fadeing in mind next time. I'm actually working on a MIDI now, and I've changed it ALOT. I'd like to do an operatic vers. of any song, but all my instruments sound sythy. I knew the percussion should had been louder! (I thought it the second I uploaded it!!)
Thanks for THE best review. I'll review something of yours soon.

Keep it- Hey!! You said my bit! Am I getting predictable? lol


God, I´ve had no time reviewing your stuff because of the XBrav site and the last song, so I guess I´ll take a little break and eat some of your tracks.

I can say you haven´t done much with the style.
You have some nice melodies and trippy beats... but COME ON, you can do better than this!

You use the same instruments over and over! You should try having a lot of instruments or at least find new and original ways to play different synths!

I think I must have heard the short sawtooth probably in half of your songs, and it isn´t any especially interesting instrument either!

The melodies you have make no different out from the others either, they are all the same style, kinda bland, short and repetative, and it isn´t really a good evolution.

Do you spend time on your drums? Well, I´m not found of making drum loops, so I guess I´m not the one to talk, but if you´re gonna have drums make them at least a little bit diverse!

The good point with your songs are that they have trippy beats and combinations of melodies that fits well, included the intruments you have.

But it´s just not enough.

I would like to see something that´s not this repetative and such...

I consider this as an overview review for the main part of your last songs, since they are all so damn alike sounding.

DJRaveR responds:

I'm not trying to make a song that is boring, dull and repeatitve (in the way you think) but I'm trying to make a song like the popular bands do. And to do that I've notice they use most of the same saws, same this and same, and well I'm trying to replicate those sounds. Also I don't have time to do play around because I got other things to do.

I've been trying to make up new sounds and beats but they all just end up the same.

welcome to bluegrounds :))

Jonathan Gjertsen @Buoy

Age 30, Male




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