I felt like reviewing again.
But it seems like the instruments and synths are a tad random.
You could like having all the instruments fit one single genre, or try totally unexpected instruments and combinations.
That would make the song far more enjoyable and/or exciting.
Also you played the song at the EXCACT same tempo as the original song... have you tried using Audacity with psycho tempo and pitch effects? It sounds really strange, but it´s kinda cool though!
This one could sound either really good at this tempo as an orchestral version (gonna try that now) or a really fast disco/hands up version.
I can´t see any major changes in melody or subtones. If you´re gonna use a MIDI you should better change it a lot too! It may be hard with the SMRPG tunes because they attempted using as much stuff as they could when they made these, but you should at least try changing it as much as possible, or make new countermelodies, possibly continue it and combine/exclude different melodies and instruments.
If you use MIDI´s you are only given certain instruments, mainly one per melody, but don´t let that limit you! You should make a lot more instruments to play the same melody for a nice effect.
Or having some playing a double speed version and doubling it, which may be hard, but it will work though.
Well this is only advice I give upon what I know after trying it, so I may be wrong since I´m not the one who have worked long with MIDI´s. Now I try to minimize the use of MIDI melodies since that would lack a personal feeling into it.
OK I realise I never really reviewed this now so I´m gonna review it too.
First for the drums, I never actually noticed them being there, but if I try hearing them I may hear them. You should boost the level of the drums way more, and have more drum beats going too.
The main melody is put into a dreamy poly-synth which does sound good, but it seems like it´s just left behind. I could like to see a more leading synth.
There´s really nice basses here, but if you made them louder, and one octave deeper, it would sound bad-ass as hell.
And you have horns for the second main melody. They sound good and fits the theme, but it´s just so totally unoriginal! Having an electronic synth in it would sound ten times better!
And there is a hybrid between a clav and a music box, which doesn´t´sound good at all and peaks too much. I have no idea what you could have put here, but if you simplified it a lot and had a lead synth... and a pad having this malody it could possibly have sounded better... I don´t know with that really =/
And that is possibly all I have to say about this tune... (Well my god it´s a lot though) but I think I´ve said enough that you can make a better version of it! I don´t know if you will care about it though.
And shouldn´t you try making original songs too? I don´t know if you have a keyboard, but if you have you should really try making original songs because that will give you a personal style which you can use for your VG remixes and make them sound much better.
Also make sure you don´t have this abrupt endings and possibly drag the last tones out, since this doesn´t loop either. Or fade the tune out at the end.
I doubt there´s space enough for posting scores so that´s it.
Good luck!
(Now you better hit me back or else!)
Oh, and keep it up lolz ^^