My 300th audio review!
I liked the beginning, it really prepared me for a great track later,
and it really turned out good. Kinda repetetive though, you could need a lot more diversity.
I like relaxed, and musical tracks like these. If they are well played, and also have a good plot, and much content, like this, it´s awesome.
Still, there´s a lack of melody here. It´s just some different slow beats and nothing more.
You could need to have a lot more melody in this track of yours.
Of course it´s slow, but that doesn´t mean you could get on with it and play the real stuff. You keep the song back a lot, and it´s really, REALLY boring to listen to when it´s just repeating and repeating... I almost felt asleep now.
Spicing up the tune is good. As you did with the tiny little bassline alone. Yeah, you spiced up the tune, but did you add anything to it? No.
You better play it faster next time, man, because this was really boring. Drums, way too slow. And everything was way too slow. It didn´t go anywhere. I`m dissapointed.
There´s no space. Nor is it a beach. It´s a poor description.
Still there´s awesome ambient effects added. And though the instruments are pure pwnage, there´s not many of them. Gotta add a lot.
Yeah. I liked this. but it´s so anonymous, so one of the many, so lost in the crowd. Not original at all, except for a few points.
It´s a pretty average tune. Has what it needs. But it haven´t got more. It´s boring yet inspiring at the same time.
This tune drovev me crazy, guess I must end this review now.
*Votes 3*