Yep- very nicely done
Great work, I can really see the lot of work you have put into it. There are some minor suggestions I have for changes, to make it more pleasant listening. First of all you might want to EQ away a bit of the treble from the tiny bell, or lower the volume a bit, cause it's a bit uncomfortable with all the high frequencies from it. Then you might want to consider getting a better hi-hat, it sounds a bit too much like short instances white noise to me right now. Something with a more metallic sound would do good. And the snare rim would probably sound better when replaced by a normal snare. The final and most minor of all things is the piano composition stuff later in the song, especially that one at 2:15- it doesn't sound on key, if you're gonna have that "personal touch" I guess you would have called it, you'll probably want to make sure all notes are on key. It's just a little off, but keep the idea, cause it adds a lot of emotion.
That's it for my suggestions. Apart from those small things, it's a wonderful little gem. Especially loved when you added the drums, introduced by toms, though you sure could have added them a bit sooner. Great strings too, I'd love to see them more emphasised throughout the track, since they alone give the song much of its feeling.
4.59 / 5.00 (+ 0.059)