I love the melody of that piano... kind of alike the Norwegian national-romantic stuff's melodies. Since that was the first thing I thought of, (and despite the title) I immediately thought of a traveller in the mountains, having a rest and watching the endless landscape of grey mountains and almost cloud-free skies. A bit of a reverbed wind sample would amplify that feeling a lot, and a bit more reverb overall, plus it'd give my image of it a feeling that it's almost on the very top of a mountain.
And again, there should in my opinion be some more reverb on certain parts, especially that piano. I dislike simple and plain pianos, so any massreverbed piano, I'll fucking love. The piano samples/instrument you used has a great, realistic sound on beforehand though, and again I absolutely love the melodies of it.
Flute and accordion rocks, but that accordion is hard to make sound great ('tleast to my ears) but you coulda made a bit less synthish instrument, or simply swap that instrument with another one of a similar texture to the sound. The drums sound good, but there's just a few hits, so I could see more of it there. Nothing big, not necessarily in a rhythm either, this track doesn't need a drum rhythm at all. But maybe a few snare hits and some toms once in a while? Lovely choir by the way
I loved this little track. Great and smooth sound, sounds like it could be the beginning to an absolutely mcgodly music story. Well done!
also like review me back or something lol