That notes the arp plays in the start sounds weird much like the arp in my pulse song- either a coincidence or something else. O who? only guy I can think of there is ocon but he doesn't need to learn the basics at all... This is from the first second a party track, maybe even a bit happy for that, gotta be something trippin' with mushrooms n shite
Percussion has some nice effect... can't hear if it's phaser, chorus or flange. Anyways, it makes the percussion sound a tad thin, nothing big though. Now add delay and you'll have a serious ambient influence to it :P
Lead sounds pretty good, much more filled and less thin than last time now. You made it... poly?
Cause I hear a lead melody and a baseline at the same time with very similar synths. If you did- that's an original touch!
Evolves into a massive party feeling, actually incredibly well done structure, it has these up and down energy levels with a climax in the middle... that's great. Only thing is the ending, which is just a fade-out
Great stuff as usual, now why don't you just tell me who the other guy is