
909 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Alright I will prepare for the pattle XD

I don't know why you placed it in ambient, but I'm not dissatisfied with the genre it really is either way. I believe it's video Game.

Nice way to use old-school sounds to make them seem like a "before battle" theme. I don't think it's a battle theme, it's more of an intro theme to a game or a "Prepare for it" thing like you said.

The clarity didn't go so well out on this one, there is clipping, and some of the levels and volumes are a bit misplaced, therefore it may be a bit trouble hearing it totally.

The synths are all good, but some of them are a bit too anonymous, so they don't give any special impression or so.

This is good for a battle theme, but I doubt it would be that great for any other theme. There is a bit too much elements that does not fit other places.

Keep it up, but try to use synths that are not this loud, and try searching for them until you find one that sounds really good.

joshuaskillsrobles responds:

Alright thanks. I will try harder next time to get them to sound good with each other.

Wow, another damn great masterpiece!

Seriously man, you have more talent in your nails that I will ever have through my whole life. If you begun with music only for the purpose of telling stories through it, this is some serious business. Have you ever considered getting out books or CD's? If you wrote the stories to be more friendly to the kind of literature books are, I'm sure it would be a great success. I mean rewriting into a story introducing the different characters by name and such as usual books do. An idea I thought of about that, possibly including a CD with these works.

Well that's not about the song, so I guess I'll start reviewing it.

It starts out... electronic... when I heard the start I was believing you made an electronic track again, but it continued as usual with strings and all that orchestral stuff >:D

I read your story, some parts are not really fitting, but the basic skeleton of the story does indeed fit the music. I could like to see a bit more detailed description of the story within the track, like hearing the guy asking "Who are you", before hearing the guy laughing. I believe just this little detail would give the piece a lot more sense.
So could you have done with the end words.

When this evil laugher comes it starts going seriously upbeat compared to what it did before, I can imagine a scene with him being followed by huge hammers, very dramatic, the part gives a good feeling about how it would be being followed by mental (Mental? I have no idea why they should be mental, if he was just folllowed by normal hammers it would give sense too, but I guess that's just a part following the fact that he is a psychic) hammers, still in this part a little touch of electronica would have been a really good addition, since the fact that the evil guy *sends out* the hammers, which is more of a machinical action.

Wow. Long paragraph.

The drums were good in this, could like to see an even more intense beat in it though, which would make some serious *dramaticalliness*

And I suppose you are truly a master composing melodies with strings and all similar instruments, which is probably why you mainly make classical music.

I loved everything about this track, but I have a suggestion of what might have been added to it if you decide making a remake of this song.

Since the last part is obviously made out of sorrow there could be a slow, sad, empty part with a piano, a few strings and some sounds hearing the happenings in this scene, added at the end. I belive this could perfectly have been added right after the end of this.

This is one great track you've made here, keep it up, these tracks are all masterpieces.

MaestroRage responds:

Thank you SBB, some pretty neat ideas, and truth be told I do write short stories to each one of these pieces, however the pieces did not try to entail the whole story before. I would write the story and try to either create the overall feel, or attempt to take a specific scene, or feeling and then work with that.

This piece was designated to be around 6 minutes in length at the least, however I did not want to cut up the song as I wanted listeners to know the story fully, and not risk some listening to one half and not really seeing the story, but only the song.

The percussional part could have been more intense, however I was unable to find a suitable beat that didn't take away attention from the piece itself. The problem with these fast stabbed strings is that because they are like a pulse going on and off, they can often distract the listener and make long sustained notes hard to follow with. However they DO add a great epic flavor if they are used in the right context, and this way was simply one of many possible. I just know how to do this one somewhat decently :).

The end would have had a harp/piano with lush chords, but again, it was a sacrifice I needed to make in order to make it fit.

Once again thank you for your overly long and enjoyable review, I appreciate that. I am glad you enjoyed the track ^^.


Alright, if you want to get reviews on other songs that's OK, but the sped up version is nearly just the same as the first, and I have no idea what "MZM" is for a game, so there isn't much chance I can review any remix I've never heard the original of at the same level as if I had heard it before, also, MZM isn't much of a title for a remix, you should at least tell which level it is.

This song is not as good as your first at all.

Seriously, it starts out alright with a triangle-like thing... not the mosst interesting, but when it just continues with that horrible sawtooth that I already said is seriously over-used, I'm just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH"!
You better think if it sounds good too! he melody is kinda bland and doesn't sound good at all.

I have no idea what the original might be, but this is... just plain bad.

Make more good music like the first one.


Karco responds:

That bad? Well, it's unfinished, so I wasn't expecting good reviews for it anyway. Just so you know, this is a remix of the song on the title screen in the game Metroid Zero Mission (and I would have fit all of that in there if I could have).

Hopefully my next song will meet your standards, though I doubt I'm going to finish it for a while. Again, thanks for taking the time to review my songs.

Potential is here.

This seriously sounds like a boss battle. so I seriously wouldn't choose "eternal melody" as a title.

It starts out seriously amateurish, without much changes in the way the song is going, then there comes a Video Game sound, and the song gets faster and better.

I don't think this is the most exciting song I've heard in my life, but if you only use the FL demo (Which can't be saved, right?), I think this could have really good potential. If you get the full version I think you could get really good, so go and spend some moneh now!

The problem with this song is that all synths and instruments are hopelessy over-used, the sawtooth, I believe is one of the far most used synths ever used. It is a good synth, but still I could like to see people have more synths than that.

And the bass is simple, far too simple, I could like to see quite a lot more diversity in it, but seriously, the bass is damn good! It makes the song much better, and if you made some more complexity it would be even better.

I loved the video game sounds in this, they made the song so damn much better, and if they were even louder they could have made a really good boss battle track.

The drums were ok, but I could like to see some more than the few you had. Still the drum beat is there when it's supposed to, and therefore it's working.

You have the potential to make great songs if you just give them enough time. Keep it up!

Karco responds:

You're the first one to say something more than "great for your first," which really helps. Just so you know, I called it Eternal Melody because the melody has been stuck in my head as long as I can remember. (And I mean that literally!) It does have a video game sound, though. Thanks a lot for this review, you've really helped me out in making my next song, which I suggest you come by my page to review once I submit it. So far, I'm really proud of it - much more than this song. Don't worry about the full version of FL... I've just bought the downloadable version and I'm waiting that 48-hour wait for it.

I've also noticed something, (and this goes to everyone else who reviewed this song as well) which is everyone seems to be reviewing only this song. I'd like some opinions on my other songs, as well! :)

Holy shit man.

I have never heard any songs from Zelda games nor played any, but this really made me want to play it.

The start went out kinda dissapointing, like you just ripped a midi from the start melody, but after that it got a drum beat which is simple, though I could like to see a bit more beats and many more variables.

And the lead guitar was neat, could need some work though, it's just so easy to show it's fake.
The melody it played was simple, yet good, the way it is played make it much more bad-ass, and the vinyl scratch things wasn't really needed as this has nothing to do with what vinyl scratch are accosiated with, yet they add a nice rythmic feeling to the song.

Make more great music like this. Your stuff is good, just keep it up!

AngryFaic responds:




This is nice for a start.
The drum beat seems a bit sample-ish, and doesn't really fit the rest of the song.

But the main melody is really good, relaxing, and actually a much better melody than most trance melodies are, the feeling it gave was a kinda *life's alright* feeling, very nice for flashes too.

The bass in this had potential, could have made a really good bassline, but you just played one single note, which kinda dissapointed me. If you did a lot more work in the bassline it could have been much better.

This is a god track, could need some work with melody and bassline, but the base concept of the song is really good, good luck with future songs!

AngryFaic responds:

Thanks for the 8. I can't really do much with this song because it was made with Acid. However, all of my other ones are FL Studio, so yeah.


I am curretly writing one of the promised reviews I would give you if you reviewed Dig. A tad late, but I will eventually finish all these one day.

You got christmas remixes too? Definatively a good choice if you want success, since people use a lot of these in their flashes.
I got one of mine in three, two submissions is a good number, too.

You should be more specific with the name, Christmas Remix give no sense what song you've remixed, if you wrote the name of it instead it would be much more useful for viewers to know.

If you didn't know, this was "Carol of the Bells". One of the few good christmas songs, seeing that it has melody and emotions instead of just the usual joy and bliss the usual has which may be a bit too sweet for some making carols one of the hated things of christmas.

This remix was a tad too monotone for me, it was mainly a sawtooth going, which I find annoying after a while, and it does neither give much feeling of the track.

The bass was OK, but if you had a tight synth bass instead it would be much deeper and more bad-ass, and if you set it much louder it would be cool too.

I lost like, where is the emotion and feeling? Where is what the song was originally about? You stripped the meaning of this song off leaving a flat and melody-only track into it.

If you make a remix you reMIX it and not only make a cover of it, you didn't change it or anytthing, did you? This is more of a cover than a remix.

Originality: 4, you didn't change the melody at all, you just made a cover of an already existing song.

Clarity: 10, there is no clipping or overtones in it.

Diversity: 8, there is a little less than the maximum for the lenght, I doubt there is much more you could have in a song of this lenght.

Effort: 7, I doubt it took months or anything like that, I believei t was made in a snap.

Overall: 7, cocks.

Smokey responds:

Actually I orginally created it as a quick blog theme background music, and decided to submit it to see how it would do :D Doing really well... and soon me and a friend is gonna make a few songs together so there will be lyrics. Thanks for the review... and i should have called it Carol of the Bells Cover :)


LOL@awesome reviews you got. I got 2 different such kind of reviews too.

Alright, I'm browsing the Ambient section and see an entry of you on the top, kinda remembered you from the ZeroVoter threads realising I never reviewed you before.

Alrightm you say it's 1:36, so I expect some really good that I can give a long review on.


Starts out with a usual delay synth/clav that doesn't sound too good, it's kinda sharp and peaking and could have been done a bit softer for great justice.

And it continues with a basic, simple drum beat that still does the job a drum beat is supposed to do, which is making a groovy beat and setting it on a beat. Still I could like t osee some more complexity in it.

In the background you have a very deep lead that I felt was not coming out loud enough. If it was louder and a tad sharper it could have given a much better feeling.

The last part was kinda repeating itself except for that it lost parts and got lower. If you want it to loop good you should keep the volume just the same so it don't get too much lag.
And instead of taking away parts as the song goes you should rather try adding new parts into it.

OK... that's pretty much it. An overall good track, which is lacking style and feeling though, but since it is a loop, this is ideal.

Mataro responds:

Awesome. I was reading your review and I was kinda sitting here going "That's kinda harsh.. It's a loop.." but I see that in the end we have the same opinion, haha. I wanted to keep it simple while still retaining a little bit of diversity so that it could easily be employed by flash authors. I'll let you know when I post one of my real songs :P. Thanks for your time, I'll stop by your page as well. ^^

I suck at titles

Seeing the ambient part of the Audio Portal in Newgrounds is the part I enjoy most, I decided taking a look at your ambient track. I don't know what's going on with madboss and his stories to your tracks, but I will not have anything to do with that either way, my part is reviewing a song.


The title is Rain Song- A new song, and I do indeed expect rain effects from this track, hence the title. A New Time is a bit questionable what the track may be, but it does exclude fast-paced beats.

So I open the track and get what I expect, rain effects in the beginning, which slowly leads into a part of acoustinc guitar which makes the genre quite questionable as ambient is a genre in electronica, but if the other parts keep the rain effect there's nothing wrong with it.

The melody it plays is remarkable, and it goes forward kinda unproblematic, though it does stop at unexpected places, making the song a bit less comfortable listening to.

And seeing the rain and thunder effects combined with the nylon guitar is the only instruments in the song makes it beautiful, yet it gives an empty and missing feeling, as it would probably not make a whole song, but rather a guitar part of a full song that much more could have been added on.

The guitar melody is not the simple, it is kinda complex with the two melodies going at the same time, but the nylon scratching is going a bit too much at times and does give more style and flavour into the track, but it won't make the song more enjoyable at all.

If this track would have been more on a beat than the random tempo it is played on this time, I would suggest having some calm, low-volumed drums going at the same time, instead of just playing it on a beat as good as you can. You could remove them afterwards if you feel for it if you feel that the drums take away some of the loneliness and feeling of the track, though.

Originality: Hmm... had to take a bit time to figure out this, so I guess I must think about all the elements. Effects of course will boost your score since only a few songs use these, but acoustic gutiar isn't really the least used instrument in the book, so I can't give you a full one. So I guess 7.

Clarity: There is no remarkable clipping or fuzz in the track, and there really isn't anything wrong with the volume, so I have to give you a 10.

Diversity: the guitar and the effects, really not much diversity, but the melody has a relatively diverse going, so I'll give you a 6.

Effort: I don't know if you took the rain as a preset or recorded it yourself, if you did, that would make a MAJOR boost in score. I choose to believe that is what you did and give you a score of 9.

Overall: This is an overall good track, but you could need to have some improvements with the way you play it and the tempo in it. I give you an 8.
I wish you good luck with your next songs!

Bosa responds:

Thanks for the feedback, this tune was an upgrade from an old one I made quite some time ago. This time, it has an actual acoustic guitar instead of an old pluck sample from my detuned guitar. Also, I had recorded some ambient outside (I am also a sound designer, yet that's beside the point) during the rain. It took some time, but your rants were heard.


This went straight into my iTunes library you know!

Where did you get the samples? Did you record them from the movies? f you did so then you're goddamn great at it!

You did a great job abusing the samples and setting them together to... dick... LOL!

This song isn't that great musical wise, but it really isn't the most important, the way you used the samples in a rythmycal, yet humoristical way is some of the most interesting I've seen!

You did a great job on scrathcing it too.

The drums and basses are really all you needed for musical layers, as I said before the TANKMEN samples are the main thing. When the sawtooth came in I wondered why you had it theree, it didn't do much, but I guess it made it a litle bit more spiced up.

Originality: 9; You used the samples in an unique way, but the samples aren't yours, so I can't give you an entirely full one

Clarity: 10, there's no clippping or anything like that in it, perfect volume and levels and right genre I guess.

Diversity; 7 a little bit much of the same all the time, btu you put as much diversity in it as you could with this kind of song though.

Effort: 10, I have no idea how you managed making this, so all I can give is a 10.

Overall: 10, since humour isn't taken with you get a MAJOR boost in this category. Great work, I'm impressed!

(Hey guys, I just heard, I'm gonna be a- dick! Made my day :)

(Only two more reviews now!)

Rucklo responds:

Hey thanx for a great review!

The samples JohnnyUtah put out in the MAC6 august tankmen theme contest, but noone except for Darkside555 used them, if im not mistaken... I finnished this song up way too late to enter the contest myself. :(

Glad ya liked the song mate!

welcome to bluegrounds :))

Jonathan Gjertsen @Buoy

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