
909 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I felt like reviewing again.

But it seems like the instruments and synths are a tad random.
You could like having all the instruments fit one single genre, or try totally unexpected instruments and combinations.
That would make the song far more enjoyable and/or exciting.

Also you played the song at the EXCACT same tempo as the original song... have you tried using Audacity with psycho tempo and pitch effects? It sounds really strange, but it´s kinda cool though!

This one could sound either really good at this tempo as an orchestral version (gonna try that now) or a really fast disco/hands up version.

I can´t see any major changes in melody or subtones. If you´re gonna use a MIDI you should better change it a lot too! It may be hard with the SMRPG tunes because they attempted using as much stuff as they could when they made these, but you should at least try changing it as much as possible, or make new countermelodies, possibly continue it and combine/exclude different melodies and instruments.

If you use MIDI´s you are only given certain instruments, mainly one per melody, but don´t let that limit you! You should make a lot more instruments to play the same melody for a nice effect.
Or having some playing a double speed version and doubling it, which may be hard, but it will work though.

Well this is only advice I give upon what I know after trying it, so I may be wrong since I´m not the one who have worked long with MIDI´s. Now I try to minimize the use of MIDI melodies since that would lack a personal feeling into it.

OK I realise I never really reviewed this now so I´m gonna review it too.

First for the drums, I never actually noticed them being there, but if I try hearing them I may hear them. You should boost the level of the drums way more, and have more drum beats going too.

The main melody is put into a dreamy poly-synth which does sound good, but it seems like it´s just left behind. I could like to see a more leading synth.

There´s really nice basses here, but if you made them louder, and one octave deeper, it would sound bad-ass as hell.

And you have horns for the second main melody. They sound good and fits the theme, but it´s just so totally unoriginal! Having an electronic synth in it would sound ten times better!

And there is a hybrid between a clav and a music box, which doesn´t´sound good at all and peaks too much. I have no idea what you could have put here, but if you simplified it a lot and had a lead synth... and a pad having this malody it could possibly have sounded better... I don´t know with that really =/

And that is possibly all I have to say about this tune... (Well my god it´s a lot though) but I think I´ve said enough that you can make a better version of it! I don´t know if you will care about it though.

And shouldn´t you try making original songs too? I don´t know if you have a keyboard, but if you have you should really try making original songs because that will give you a personal style which you can use for your VG remixes and make them sound much better.

Also make sure you don´t have this abrupt endings and possibly drag the last tones out, since this doesn´t loop either. Or fade the tune out at the end.

I doubt there´s space enough for posting scores so that´s it.
Good luck!

(Now you better hit me back or else!)

Oh, and keep it up lolz ^^

Chao-Guy responds:

And the award for longest review ever goes too SBB! lol
This is actually a good review!! I would love to make my own music, but im not creative like you guys!! I'll keep the looping or fadeing in mind next time. I'm actually working on a MIDI now, and I've changed it ALOT. I'd like to do an operatic vers. of any song, but all my instruments sound sythy. I knew the percussion should had been louder! (I thought it the second I uploaded it!!)
Thanks for THE best review. I'll review something of yours soon.

Keep it- Hey!! You said my bit! Am I getting predictable? lol


God, I´ve had no time reviewing your stuff because of the XBrav site and the last song, so I guess I´ll take a little break and eat some of your tracks.

I can say you haven´t done much with the style.
You have some nice melodies and trippy beats... but COME ON, you can do better than this!

You use the same instruments over and over! You should try having a lot of instruments or at least find new and original ways to play different synths!

I think I must have heard the short sawtooth probably in half of your songs, and it isn´t any especially interesting instrument either!

The melodies you have make no different out from the others either, they are all the same style, kinda bland, short and repetative, and it isn´t really a good evolution.

Do you spend time on your drums? Well, I´m not found of making drum loops, so I guess I´m not the one to talk, but if you´re gonna have drums make them at least a little bit diverse!

The good point with your songs are that they have trippy beats and combinations of melodies that fits well, included the intruments you have.

But it´s just not enough.

I would like to see something that´s not this repetative and such...

I consider this as an overview review for the main part of your last songs, since they are all so damn alike sounding.

DJRaveR responds:

I'm not trying to make a song that is boring, dull and repeatitve (in the way you think) but I'm trying to make a song like the popular bands do. And to do that I've notice they use most of the same saws, same this and same, and well I'm trying to replicate those sounds. Also I don't have time to do play around because I got other things to do.

I've been trying to make up new sounds and beats but they all just end up the same.

A review from ME

Yeah, the guy reviewing a lot of your stuff up there is me.
I didn´t feel for reviewing all your stuff with this kind of lenghty review, so I had an alt and used the feature of that alt doing so. This is a last review because I want to make a biggie.
So onto the review.

So I´ve yet not opened the song... the title is insomnia, sounds nice, but DNB is not totally my style, but I guess DNB is OK for me.

*opens song*

And it starts out good, with some nice semi-synths that could eithere be pads or leads... a strange instrument truly. The lead following was really harsh, it gave flavour into the song though.

The drums were OK, pretty basic though, but they really follow the song in a nice style, there´s nothing wrong with the tempo, beat or anything, and it´s generally a good drum roll.

Jungle beats, huh? I love that stuff. It´s not always you hear a good one, but when the good ones come up... its like... yeah, really fucking awesome.

Nice bassline into it wich starts a tad late, though, but I guess that only makes the song kinda cool. It plays a good melody and follows the song and drum roll again,. there really aren´t anything else than when it comes in I can complain about.

The title fits the song very good. The description doesn´t say particulary much about the song, but I guess that gives some kind of surpridse.

And for the scores;

Originality; 10, because it´s totally damn your own style, the effects and synths really aren´t anything I´ve heard before.

Clarity is a 10, because there is no clipping or any kind of disortion in the song whatsoever, the levels are really good, and the volume, there is nothing wrong with.

Diversity is 10, again! I loved the shitload of stuff you put in this kinda short song, and there are loads of different melodies and beats in it!

Effort is a 10. You take long time making your songs, dontcha?
These all sound fucking awesome and better than anything I could do.

Overall is big fat cock. If you read the review through I believe you could guess what the overall score actually is.

Great damn work, I loved the journey, bye!

Gillenium responds:

You saved the big review for an oldie?? Ah well... thanks anyway. This is the first song that made me feel popular, because it was number 12 on Amazon's dnb charts for a while UNTIL amazon stopped making their music storage service free... I got pretty mad. Glad you enjoyed though. Reviews like this inspire me to compose! :D

a woooooooooooooooooooooot

Damn great song, Stealth! you gotta be happy now, that the entry is done ^_^ This song is really good, you got back the rock style in this track, I see. Sounds really good in these awe new headphone monster I just got :)

You did a really great job putting the original song into a new, good song. too bad you buzzed some tones at times, not good >:) I loved the riffs in the song, though.

Oh, and the vinyl scratch effects was a neat addition, too.

Great job! I wish you good luck in the MRAC!

Stealth-Emergence responds:

Sweet man thanks SBB

I think we all need luck in this MRAC

My original plan was to do a rock version, then I had to account for additional instruments, so I knew it wouldn't be a straight out rock piece. My plans changed throughout lol to Nu-Metal or a glam rock style

Well those plans changed to this, Techno piece

Thanks again for your review SBB

glad you like it

Peace Out!


This tune is wrong.

OK, so now I´m seeing your track here. I´ve just happened to hear Chronamut´s original song, which was an awesome track I´ll review soon. And this better be REALLY good if it´s even gonna be worthy for it, at least it needs to be original.
I´m downloading it so I can compare them.
*Listens once*
Whoa, that was really as alike the original as even POSSIBLE! I couldn´t even imagine how this could be any different from the original- except for lenght.
I*Chronamut´s original is done playing right after yours*I

I´m sorry to say, but Chronamut´s is actually much better than this. You shouldn´t have changed the pan flute to a piano.
Pan flutes are awesome.

Piano isn´t.

Piano is boring.
You put some good delay effects into it, though, which made the track much more enjoyable, but not really any special.
It´s played at exactly the same tempo. You really have to make it different in ANY way you can, and so should the tempo. Slower or faster, but I don´t really feel well with the original tempo.

Did you actually listen to Chronamut´s one and analyze the good and bad points of it, making it possible for YOUR version to be even better? I bet you didn´t.

Actually it sounds like you just toke a kind of MIDI from his and put it into your program, whatever you use, and changed it in a minimalistically small amount.

I could have liked this, but the fact that you changed it that little and nearly stole his track is so damn annoying that I won´t give you much more than a 2.

A low 2, too.

Originality is an important factor.

aspachi responds:

alright then time for my reply and thanks for your review, well before i begin didn't you know chronamut is fine with what i did? plus i had to play throughout the piano, except for the main piano. and it was boring? know one else found it too boring really. and yes i did use my own program and redone start stealing girl. i don't mind your "bad comment" but remember chronamut is cool with this and didn't really care...

Chill as yeah!

This might be one of the most chill songs I´ve ever heard.
And with an 8-bit blend into the song, it sounds much cooler.

When you put in the breathing sounds, I think it must have been one of the most chill experiences I´ve ever heard here at the audio portal.

Yeah, you can guess what I think, an agree with you with, it´s CHILL as HELL. (Damn irony)

I loved the pan flute, but the melody it played sounds rather bland, which is not good as it is the main instrument at the moment it´s played.
Flutes are fucking awesome if they are played right, which they obviously are, though they could have been played better.

The 8-bit synthie, which I think was very nice, was put in again, which obviously makes a good impression, seeing that it was a very nice addition to the song.

The drums were great, the made the track sound more epic and dephty. they played a nice melody which was not too slow nor to fast, just playing in the right tempo.
Great job.

The melodies fit VERY well together. And I think that is about as much I can say about the mixing of melodies; a very small part of the song.

Nice pads and basses, which may sound about as alike as they could.

So... this is one of the few songs I download. Because it really is good while it lasts- lasts... well, a bit over one and a half minute isn´t THAT much, it ends before I really get a grip of the song, which I get when it starts over, though, but then it is theoretically too late. Not actually, as these songs loops, but if I were to listen to this once as I pretty much must when it is downloaded, it isn´t that enjoyable, really. Since it´s damn catchy too, I actually take the effort clicking it back to start over, which I don´t really do often. But now I might lose iTunes in the mass of opened windows after losing the control stick >:-(

So you could have added more to it!
Not in the way of instruments, synths and such, I man more in the lenght. Different melodies, instruments and such are always a good addition AFTER the song, which I really think you know.

So... the song´s construction is interesting.
Starting with the 8-bitter playng an empty, still filled at the same time, melody -more like a note combination than a melody, though- then it gets kinda fast, but in a fancy way, into the phase with a *full* feeling of the song, and then a slower, more empty part with the panflute as the absolute main instrument. It´s kinda cool, but it just ends too fast.


Originality is a 9; The mix is interesting! Video Game and Chill Ambience at the same time is really nearly as far away from each other as it possibly can be! And when you mixed it it sounded really cool! However, both genres are very common, so you can´t get it full.

Clarity is a 10, I can´t see any wrong with the clearity, there´s no clipping or anything like that, and I can agree this was more Ambient than anything else. (Chill, though)

Diversity is a 7. Seriously, there was much diversity in the song compared to the lenght, which I must have said a lot of times now, was amazingly short. Minus for short lenght, plus for much diversity in small song.

Effort is a 10. How comes that you make these songs blindingly fast, but they don´t seem rushed, any of them, and they sound good and some are awesome as hell, too? Great work for the amount of time used!

Overall, I will give you a 9. This song was really good, but way too short (I´ll shut up aboout that now).
good work, have some cookies : D

Ho ho ho


(Better respond BIATCH)

PERVOK responds:

It makes me glad to see that I'm not the only one on this planet that actually tries to write reviews. Remember though, just cause you liked the song, doesn't mean you CAN'T treat it like shit. Other than length, you really didn't say anything that I could ahve worked on that would have changed the wind of the song, thus taking the purpose away from your review.

I can't really comment on everything you've said, since I'd just be saying the same thing over and over again :D So, while I sit here and sip my hot chocolate from A&W, all I can say is:

Keep writing reviews, friend. You are much more kind than I in writing reviews, and yours are just as long :) Go out there and make lots of audio artists happy with your presence :D

Check ya later buddy, keep it easy.

wooot pitch bend

Yeah, this was truly a weird mix of styles... and I´m not gonna list all of that up, either.
But either way, it was really a great remix. It´s based on the main melody... and still diversed! That´s damn hard!


OK, good luck in the MRAC!

attemptedperfection responds:

Thanks, and good luck to you too!


way better than anything you´ve done before. This has a lot of stuff within it, it has melody, it has actually very much inside it. Before they were mainly maningless short loops, but this time, it was a long and enjoyable song.

Nice synths and everything was actually very good, I run out of words to say in reviews, so all I can say is good job!

You died!

excellent title, BTW ^_^

DJRaveR responds:

Well, first I had the After Party, now I'm having my After Life... its a complixate process. Anyway, I'm going to PM you soon about this collab you mentioned.

Anyway, I'm still alive and kicking (maybe without the kicking)

How enjoyable.

Too bad it´s just static.

Viktimize responds:

Too bad both of your entries were rejected because they sucked.

Great review, too.

welcome to bluegrounds :))

Jonathan Gjertsen @Buoy

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