Really good intro. Atmospheric, with that hat thing that keeps the rhythm right from the start. Then you introduce some additional percussion elements that really build this thing up. You really pulled that off well.
I'm not all for the uppity synths, I think the sound is a bit in conflict with the rest of the song. Like, the bass and percussion is so tight, you know? And then when the heavily processed bells with delay and reverb comes in, that tight quality of the song isn't there anymore. But it does come back later on in the song (specifically everything from 1:35 and on).
The theory nerd in me got a kick from it too, I'm really a fan of that E note that you introduce once in a while. The song is in C minor and generally has that very minor/aeolian feel, so the E (i.e the major third) is very surprising, pleasantly so.
Anyway this is really great. Nice work man!!