The distorted bass combined with the massive sub bass makes an impression of unwanted distortion in the song, at least in the fade-in of the beginning, when the distorted bass is so silent you can't hear the notes, but still notice the dirt of it. Might want to fade in a distortion amount with the volume control for a nicer effect in the start. Now that's just to give a nice first impression to keep the listener through the song, not anything major at all :)
Might also want to adjust the level of the kick and get rid of the grainy sound of it- compress is and distort just a little bit for a harder effect- and finally make it nice and audible, cause it now has the horrible mix of being hardly audible yet making a painfully compression-like effect to the track. D:
Some kind of soft pad drones- windy, euphoric or dreamy, your choice, would do good through the whole track for adding more of the "night city" mood of it- you know, this is the kind of music you'd hear in the background of- I don't really have any examples right now, so I doubt you'll ever get what I mean- but try some very soft and silent, moody pads throughout (I know you have a few, but making em more constant would do good).
That's it for my suggestions. Might look like negative, unneeded nitpicking, but I just want to try and help where I can- I actually think this track is a damn good one. I sure did enjoy the clever melodies, subtle fifth pads, original percussion (especially hats- you did the entire thing all yourself? That's pretty amazing for an one-afternoon job- if it's completely original that is ^^) and gated synthage.
Now I just hope you're still active so this big review wasn't written for nothing.