Hello there
New Wave eh is it.
I don't know what the other "Season songs" are tho...
This is a spring song? Well, the rainfall makes it sound much more like an autumn song... I can clearly imagine walking through some autumned woods by listening to this.
Very calm song... almost ambient sounding. The percussion is really suiting the track (maybe not the toy shaker-like thingy that comes once in a while though), they almost breathe. And the faster, louder drum loop you faded in later sounds great! Loved how you faded it into the song... phasers on drums is teh shite :D
Now the frogs and birds do remind a little of spring... I guess you submitted this song now because spring is pretty much coming now...
The chill synth-hit thing sounds a bit off at time, but it's an amazing synth!
The piano is good... a bit cheap sounding though, a little reverb on it would've made it fit the track more. And a little higher attack.
The chime bell ended the track very well, an idea would be to fade out everything except that bell while you're playing the final notes on it.
The buildups and bridges in this song is seriously well made, I guess you're having it from that trance wave you seemt to have a few months back...
Actually I like these tunes of yours better than your faster trance/dance/vg songs... songs like this, ChilledMasta an Visions of the Future are the kind of songs I really like.
This is my first review for HouseMaster with a bit of music knowledge I think... :(