I don't know what 3-step is at all- but it sounds a whole lot like skipping a note with the drums and bass each measure, which gives a pretty catchy effect, but I bet I'm wrong as always. You seem to be pretty good at it, whatever it is.
The basslead thing you have in the start sounds like you put some highpass ditty on it- it doesn't sound too interesting. plz fade in some distortion (if that's not added, it it is, you better make it more present) thing there. For kicks. The kick sounds good to me, the snare you don't use in the rolls sounds more like an awkward combination of a snare and clap with the weirdest eq ever seen by any human eyes. The pretty thick snare you use in the rolls and buildups aren't bad at all, actually I love them... without the snare rolls the drums altogether would sound pretty much like copy-and-paste-a-bar-all-over patterns
I like the lead, it sounds funny. It sounds like it jumped out of the rave song in the night club and went walking in the mountains screaming "FREEDOM, BITCHES" to the city below it... at least that's what I imagine the lead is doing in this song- Though the melody hardly changes up- you have two melodies with hardly any variations- sure it's not intended to progress (that's obvious) but it's really the most repetitive two minutes I've heard in a while
Pretty good stuff in here if it wasn't for the complete and utter lack of diversity